Kelsey Anne Heimerman


Sacred plant medicines : A personal encounter

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Introduction:  Ayahuasca and Peyote have been used ceremonially to gain spiritual enlightenment and strength of the community for thousands of years. Its powerful and transformative effects have stumped western academia for the inexplicable facets of the brew. It is a 2 plants steeped in water and made into a tea, producing one of the most potent hallucinogens known to humanity. These experiences have been extraordinarily valuable tools and a spiritual sacrament.

I have been sitting with this medicine for almost 4 years now. I wanted to share an introductory post as a precursor to the book I am writing, “Divine Design” about my personal transformation with plant medicines. NOTE:  I am not a doctor, a shaman or a healer. I am a participant of these ceremonies and a student of life and this information is merely a small window into my personal account.

Ayahuasca and Peyote: At age 27 I was introduced to plant medicines through reconnecting with an old friend. The divine transformation these sacred plants had on my personal life and spirituality are still in full force effect today. In short, my very western, analytical, science-loving mind became totally mystified. Magic re-entered my world immediately after my first ceremony. My mind and heart were blown so wide open that it crumbled the towers of my reality. It seemed too good to be true, the idea of drinking tea to gain enlightenment. I always heard of people having these transcendental experiences, but I had never had one myself, until my 27th year. It was interesting timing for me, some famed artists hold the mystique of dying at this age. In a way, my old self did die this year, and I evolved into a more conscious version of myself.

Everything was different after, in a sobering and profound way. I took 6 months to deep dive into yoga, meditation, massage therapy, energy work, diet, and read every book I could find on altered states of consciousness. My art work began to develop towards a more globally spiritual direction. My world expanded, my heart opened, and for the first time I didn’t feel so alone as an independent woman. I felt guided by something higher than myself, I felt for the first time that my life, my actions, my decisions were a direct example of self actualization and a deep interconnectedness with Source, God, The Universe… which every name you wish to give her.

Please note, these medicines should only ever be ingested with helpers and a shaman present. In addition the participant can not be on any MAOI medications or anti depressants. Any regular medications the participant is taking should be considered before attending. A special diet including limited foods, spices, abstinence from sex, and violence is highly recommended and I would say mandatory. As you begin to shed these things from your life, you create space for set intentions for the deeper work that will take place. I have seen people work through major traumas in their life, people shedding decades of hate, manipulation, and abuse. I’ve witnessed people's ability to heal their inner child, tap into a wealth of self confidence, beauty, and divine intelligence. I have seen corporate men fall to their knees in gratitude for their life, their glass ceilings being completely shattered and turned to water.  I witnessed alcoholics turn to sobriety, atheists turn towards spirituality, I have seen depression lifted and the dark gaping hole filled with the light of gratitude. I have seen women heal rape, abortion, and immense feminine loss. I witnessed suicidal people gain a profound new respect for their own life. I’ve seen only in a short amount of time the magnitude of others healing and the progress the community shares in order to become ourselves more fully.

Transformation: An excerpt from my upcoming book, Divine Design.

At times the world will break your heart open but do not fear for this openness creates new possibilities. It is through this expansion, this vulnerability and exposure that we gain access to see the world through a new perspective. We witness the changing tides, all the while finding ways to make sense of all the transitions. We become shapeshifters and develop methods so that our mood may not shift due to others insignificant decisions. We learn to stand up straighter, to keep those close to us that provide unconditional love and support. We bask in the glory of blossoming friendship that holds blessings, protects emotions, gently pushes our greatest ambitions and shines with us as we grow. We surrender when life gets tough… using our breath to breathe in all that's good and releasing the bad. We heal ourselves with strong spines, gentle hearts and brilliant minds that are flaming from ancient knowledge. We fold our hands, we kneel down, we touch our third eyes to the ground so grateful for the breath that consumes us. We watch the birds fly, we watch the sun turn into the crescent moon and back into the sun that warms our skin and grows our food. We feel the tide, and watch the moon grow and shrink as our progression grows brighter and stronger and ebbs and flows just like the mighty ocean. We grow. We expand our consciousness, to become a breath of existence, to make our life meaningful. Part of this is releasing that which holds us down. This integration is not an easy process. To be a positive, grounded person, we shed our skin to become a better being, to become enlightened. We open up new possibilities, realizing that which holds us down is too heavy to carry with us. We tap into the feeling of when our energy is being manipulated and taken. We shed the activities that hurt our body, we eat well, stretch long, breathe deep, dream vividly and surround ourselves around shining souls that nurture you. We keep our activities positive, making time for sunsets, walks, fresh juice, a funny conversation, a spiritual moment, a gentle blessing, a kind word. We hold open doors, for all people ...not because of who they are, what color their skin is or their gender… because we have the time to be kind. The greatest lesson I have ever learned is how precious our life is. Everyone gets the same amount of time, because time is actually just a silly human perception. We make the most of our life, of our moments, of the battles we choose to fight, the people we choose to be around, the food we cut and cook. Tomorrow is a gift and everyday we move forward we should be grateful for the opportunity to make ourselves better and thus make the world better, thus making the cosmic universe stronger. We use our being to portray the expanding self. So fall in love, give freely, open your mind, break your heart and become open to new possibilities. We never know what’s around the corner and the more we conduct our lives to be fluid enough to transform while maintaining an honorable way of being the better off our society is as a whole. 

Kels Exploratory Recommended Books :

  1. Jeremy Narby : The Cosmic Serpent

  2. Alan Watts : Become what you are

  3. Terrance McKenna: Food of the Gods, True Hallucinations, The archaic Revival, The invisible Landscape, Sacred mushrooms and New Dimensions

  4. Michael Pollan: How to change your mind

  5. Eckhard Tolle: A New Earth

  6. Rick Strassman: DMT, the spirit Molecule

  7. Graham Hancock: Supernatural; Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind