Kelsey Anne Heimerman


Queen and King of HeArts

The suppression of women throughout our patriarchal history is a subject layered with inequality, manipulation, power constructs, and highlighted by those whose brave pursuit of harmony pushes the boundaries towards equality.

Original available  painting for purchase in store

Original available painting for purchase in store

Divine feminine qualities include restoration, insight, intuition, forgiveness, connection, renewal, birth, healing, receptivity, nurturing, love, compassion, the moon, intuition, sensuality and creation. These qualities when brought forth into society create notes of harmony when paired with divine masculine. Qualities of the divine masculine might include action, direction, movement, responsibility, strength, encouragement, material abundance, transformation, purity, authority in its purest form, focus, fatherhood, the sun, intellect and supporting the birth process of a new earth. The  yin and yang aspect within these qualities creates coexistence of divine energy. It is the self actualization of these energies in their pure form to help move our society towards a direction of higher purpose. 

It is within womanhood that we find profound openness and receptivity to others. We see a development to cultivating gentleness, compassion and core belief systems that help nurture families and in turn develop harmonious societies. Societies that could be based on accurate calendar keeping, art, spirituality and growth. It is within masculine energy that we can find great strength and support. We see direction, action and movement to help develop nations through transformation with ideally a just responsibility towards equality. Our history has long seen the shadow side of masculinity of certain ideologies pursued that encompass vertical thinking, comparative methods, domination and control. It is within these methods that harmony falls apart and wars drive the people into some of the darkest eras of our history. Shadow aspects develop from trauma and fear, but are important windows of our subconscious on what we need to work on in our lives, to become the best members of society that we can be. It is important to note that there will always be fear, and fear will always be overcome by love. It is in this relationship with the shadow aspects of the self that we can evolve towards a higher purpose through understanding and compassion. When we master fear, we help enlighten others around us. We can begin to take others as a part of ourselves and live as you wish others would, never becoming separate from each other. 

Through the process of purifying our inner values we can be brutally honest and cultivate relationships that honor all aspects of the human psyche. This conversation also pays respect to the LGBTQ community in recognizing that all human beings have both masculine and feminine energy within them. Perhaps in our evolved generations the species would be that of gender neutral where the harmonizing qualities of both male and female are fully manifested. This is not necessarily a conversation about who we choose to to have as partners but a conversation about who we choose to be within ourselves. It is a look into how a society incorporates our contrast, polarity and duality towards divine unity. It is within duality and contrast that we experience the brevity within the spectrum that this universe has to offer. It is within our differences that we cultivate incredibly beautiful cultures, dances, novels, methods, temples, and so much more. It is within the dark that we find light and gain an immense respect for what the light is. It is within death that we appreciate our own life, and the lives of those around us we love, admire and care for. It is within the pause of the silence that gives depth to the sound. 

This was the driving inspiration behind the King and Queen pair of paintings.  They represent the duality of a mirrored image figure. The Queen of hearts waves her flag of compassion, standing for freedom, connection, belonging, love and creation. The King of hearts holds a sword of truth. The sword here portrays not a weapon a violence but a symbol of strength, support, responsibility and direction. The crowned pair looks towards each other, drenched in golden light, holding space for a moment in time an honoring the precious gold material that was once used in the last female ruled society, the era of the Egyptian queens.

I hope you enjoyed this and have a great week! 

KELS Book list recommendations : 

The Artist Way: Julian Cameron 

Getting Off: Jamie Waxman 

The Connection Process : Teal Swan

How to be a woman: Catlin Moran 

The Female Eunuch : Germaine Greer 

When Women ruled the world, 6 queens of Egypt

side note: Happy birthday to my beautiful sister, Rachel Marie